Bandar Seri Begawan - Harley Owners Group Brunei (HOGB) Chapter, in conjunction with the Israk Mikraj celebration had attended a ceremony at Kg Kapok Mosque.
The Takmir Mosque Committee was led by Awang Ali Noor bin Haji Yahya, Imam of Kg Kapok Mosque.
The HOGB committee and members performed the Maghrib and Isyak prayers followed by the recital of a tahlil and heard a special religious talk delivered by Ustaz Haji Sahniinan bin Haji Chucu from the Department of Mosque Affairs, Ministry of Religious Affairs.
Present at the ceremony was HOGB Director Abd Malek Hamdani, Assistant Director Pg Joffren Pg Omar and other committee members. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin